Saturday, August 14, 2010


AND i saw Mike, Krissy, Alex and Anna... it was very cool and I am shamed to have not mention them.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

how is it august? how is it 2010?

i've been lazy i know. sorry. work as always is busy, and i'm very popular you know. all kinds of people want to spend time with me.

well, that's what i tell them anyway.

august has been uneventful so far, but july was awesome. REALLY hot, but awesome. mostly because of spending a week at home in celeryville with the family. nothing tops that. weirdly enough, not only did i not take any pictures, i did not copy anyone else's to my thumb drive either. i'm becoming a giant slacker.

awesome things in july:
  • karen, matthew & eric were here for a couple days
  • duckpin bowling
  • lived a month in danger house without injuries (sorry for karen's)
  • spent time on the farm with dad
  • shopped with karen, randi & mom (yeah yeah yeah, it wasn't SO bad)
  • hung out with matt
  • hung out with liz & kate
  • had a 2.5 hour lunch with janene
  • got to see anna and alex play baseball
  • learned the game "buddy attack" (at 6am unfortunately)
  • hung with my mom
  • got a cookbook that made my eyes swell shut (it really did, but it's alright now)
  • got called "janna" A LOT
  • didn't see donna
  • barely saw robin, or ken
  • or steve
  • didn't play sorry with liz
  • completely missed supermom ashley, war hero rick & the cutest kids ever, including addy, whom i have not yet met
  • didn't get to go to michigan to meet alayna grace
that's all i've got for now. no home improvement projects lately, but i do have some holes to patch, maybe i'll finally get motivated to do that. the problem is, they're in my kitchen. who goes in the kitchen?