This is Coraline.

i don't know who this chick is, but let me tell ya, when coraline showed up, I got kicked to the curb.
yeah, you heard me right. ME. aunt sher... THE aunt sher. known 'round the globe for being the coolest aunt ever... yes, that's me... uh, where was i?
oh yeah, coraline. (squinty look, low growl, clenched fists... oh yeah, it's my mad face.)
so i'm talking to liz on the phone... a sweet sunday night conversation... all of a sudden, in a rush of words that couldn't get out of her mouth fast enough, i hear
i'm like... huh? what? so i say "huh? what?" it gets repeated, only faster this time (doesn't help) and i'm like "LIZ WAIT!"
beep beep beep beep
i don't know who you are or where you came from coraline, but you better watch your back.
o liz you gotta love her
ohh i want to see that movie.. sorry aunt sher, you can't compete with modern day media.
how can that be?
hahaha, hilarious.
Coraline called, she wants your eyes!
liz, you're creeping me out with all this eye replacement talk.
at least coraline didn't try to make me go bald while waiting for liz to write adam a happy birthday message.
coraline wants to sew buttons on my childrens eyes...
time for an update sheri
hey! pick on emily, she's WAY worse than me... or robin, robin hasn't blogged since i was like 23.
are you slacking on the blogging, or are you just too busy? :D
alright aunt sher its seriously time for an update
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