okay, so the door project is finished. it took a lot longer than i thought it would, but here it is.
before & after...

it's possible you may have heard me complain passionately about what a shoddy add on this thing is. i will spare you most of my rant, but i do have to point out the bolts. this door frame is bolted to the door frame behind it with no efforts made to countersink or hide the bolts in any way. while i was not willing to spend too much time, money or effort to make this crappy thing into something it'll never be, i did have a need to make it less offensive... so smartypants me found rustoleum that matched my wall color and painted them.

i hope you enjoy the dramatic magnification of the offensive bolts and the equally dramatic pinpointing of their new virtual invisibility.
Looks great!
thanks! i'm really happy with how it turned out... hope the other projects go as well...
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