so last night i finally made work of putting the new smoke detector in place... this is a smoke detector for basic fires, it says so on the box. as a matter of fact, it's SO basic, it says it twice.
i'm not sure what other kind there are, but i'm really just hoping that if i have a fire, it's "basic" otherwise i'm in trouble. does "basic" include kitchen accidents because i'm sure that's the most likely kind i'll have. i joke that i got a new one after re-doing all my electrical outlets & switches, but i'm confident my father taught me well... but just in case, do you think an electrical fire is considered basic? maybe i should go back to home depot and check the other kinds. how many smoke detectors will i have to have? what if i have a fancy fire? like if my evening gowns suddenly ignite? oh wait... but what if val & mom get their wish and my favorite sweater spontaneously combusts? so how many types of fires are there and how my smoke detectors do i actually need? one for electrical, one for candles tipping over, one for kitchen mishaps... and are all mishaps covered as one type of fire? for instance, i have set both an oven and a microwave on fire... oh geeze, i've had a stove top fire too, oh geeze... and a toaster fire... are all of these the same kind of fire, and if so, are they "basic" ?
this is very perplexing...
they have carbon monoxide detectors too? don't get me started...
Types of fires: Class Alpha, solid fuels that leave an ash when burned...paper, wood, people. Class Bravo, liqud fuels that do not leave an ash...gasoline, oil, tequila. Class Charlie, eltrical fire...electricty stuff, duh. Class Delta, flamible metals such as potasium or airplanes(less the people inside). Those are the catagories as I know them. As far as basic? I don't know. I saw a can of ketchup the other day that claimed to be 33% fancy. I'm still lost on that. And by the way, I forgot.
That's really kind of odd...
hmmm.. I would say that YOU might need something beyond basic if you ever plan on USING your kitchen.. if not, stick to basic. haha
i'm excited to know all the classes. thanks ty!
as far as using the kitchen goes... i'm not sure i know what you mean...
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