i wish i knew why, more importantly, i wish it would stop. it has been WEEKS and i still have the canadian national anthem stuck in my head. i thought perhaps it was a sign to touch base with pastor len and yvonne... he didn't think so but he was pleased to hear from me.
now i'm wondering if i need to go to canada... is this like a "if you build it they will come," kinda thing? crap. do they even play baseball in canada?
oh, and "o." apparently they don't use the h up there. also, i think they are a more concise people. have you ever taken a look at our national anthem, word-count wise? there are 63 words in o canada. i thought our anthem would be significantly longer, i guess it just takes longer to sing... it's 80 words. but wait, that's just the first verse... there are 4 verses... for a grand total of 312 words.
i was about to say, "all this crap is interesting..." but i realized it's not.
but i still have o canada stuck in my head without any explanation and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere soon... just like the country, america's top hat.