Wednesday, November 16, 2011

my family is bankrupting me

it's no one's fault really... i mean, my family is awesome and i wouldn't give them back... AND, i actually love that there's so many of us...

but i'm buying a birthday card yesterday and about fell over when it rang up at FOUR DOLLARS. now i'm still mad these things went over ONE dollar, and now it's FOUR????

here's what everyone is getting from now on. AND, because i'm a sweetheart, i made it generic so anyone can download and use it.

and, on the off chance a non-family member is reading this and you think i'm exaggerating...

1 - Steve & Randi
7 - Chase
22 - Robert & Kaje
24 - Sheri
30 - Robin
31 - Eric
5 - Michael
11 - Mom & Dad
5 - Katie
15 - Addyson
21 - Marc
26 - Robert
26 - Michelle & Chase
2 - Ashley
17 - Emily
27 - Jordan
1 - Alayna
28 - Alex
3 - Marv
7 - Ben
9 - Ashley & Rick
24 - Becky
26 - Rick
26 - Michael & Beth
8 - Karen
8 - Karen & Marc
22 - Mike
21 - Steve
29 - Elizabeth
30 - Mom
7 - Mike & Krissy
12 - Val
12 - Emmett
17 - Anna
25 - Ken
2 - Krissy
2 - Erin
4 - Matthew
10 - Kaje
17 - Randi
21 - Matt
25 - Dad
25 - James
2 - Michelle
8 - Emily & James
11 - Chad
11 - Ken & Robin
14 - Chad & Becky
22 - Val & Marv
29 - Beth
31 - Evelyn

Thursday, November 10, 2011

i had to copy this

The Most Idiotic And Offensive Mass Riot In Recent History

Angry Penn State students went to the streets Wednesday night after Joe Paterno was abruptly fired by the board of trustees.

The situation descended into chaos after the 10:15 p.m. announcement.

There was fireworks, tear gas, mace, broken street signs, an overturned news van, and general chaos.

While the main concern in this entire scandal should be the children whose lives were ruined, all the students focused on was Penn State football, and rallying behind an administration that helped cover up the sexual abuse of children.

Monday, November 7, 2011

you people suck

not a single, "oh no sheri, you're still awesome," comment on my last post. not one. i hate you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

i used to be awesome

i really did. i did amazingly creative things, even with practically nothing to work from. i used to send up reports to abc and david would call me because he loved how cool my tabs were. one book he spoke about for months after. when boring came to town, i found a way to be great.

now i don't know what happened to me, perhaps years of oppression have beaten me down, where i used to have panache, now i just have pooey.

or, on days not plagued by soul crushing workloads and impossible deadlines, where a glimmer of optimism isn't shot where it stands... on those days i mourn the loss as a victim of my success. i'm too important now, i'm so busy i don't have time, it's a shame, but hey, a girl's gotta eat.

however i got here and whatever spin i put on it... here's my wish for you: